Tuesday, October 24, 2006

ISA Logo Contest

Dear ISA Members,
ISA does not have a logo yet. Shouldn’t all of us get together and design one?
That is why we have this contest.

Please come up with a logo design before Nov 6th. ISA board 2006-2007 members will then vote to choose the ISA logo after a blind review.

The designer of the winning logo will be given a prize as may be appropriate on Parichay 2006 day. The same day accepted logo will be declared the official logo of ISA, then on.

Following are the guideline:
1 Keep it simple
2 Keep it meaningful
3 Hand designed logos are also accepted for competition.
4 Participation is important send the logos even if you think they are not good.
5 Decision of the board will be final. Board reserves the right to edit the logo if appropriate for organisational purposes.

Send you logo designs to

ISA Executive Committee

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