Dear Friends,
ISA now has good web presence. Important messages about ISA activities will now be available on ISA Blog. a look at the Blog. You may post comments there if you like.
(However only ISA President or a designated Executive may can post Blog writing)
When you open the Blog, to the left of your window, you will see links to ISA website;
http:// (Do not use WWW J )
Other links take you to Gradusask Email group. You may also send a mail to ISA using your favorite email client.
Note that, if you are fan of Firefox browser, you will see questions marks in the website instead of letters! That is because Firefox does not render Indic fonts. Use internet explorer. Firefox is not worth a tool at least for Indians as long as they do not suport Indic fonts or until some of us goahead and add it to Firefox
Are you using an older version of the windows? If you do you will not see Indic fonts in the website.
Dear Friends,
PLEASE vitit website and send you feedbacks to ISA. You feedback is valuable. Any missing information will be added promptly. Keep visiting ISA Blog. That would give you a good presentaion of the ISA activities.
Web Disaster :)!
Raghavendra Kattinakere (~rAGU)